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Upcoming Events
Spirit Night at R&R BBQ
Feb 5
Spirit Night at Menchie's
Feb 12
February Break - No School
Feb 17-21
Spirit Night at In-N-Out Burger
Feb 26
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Mar 5-6
Spirit Night at Arctic Circle
Mar 6
No School
Mar 7
Spirit Night at Raising Canes
Mar 12
Spirit Night at Cold Stone Creamery
Mar 26
Fun Run Kickoff
Mar 28
Spring Break
Apr 7-11
Spirit Night at Waffle Love
Apr 15
Multicultural Night/Art Show
May 9
Spirit Night at Little Casears
May 14
Fun Run
May 16
8th Grade Graduation
May 28
Spirit Night at Costa Visa
May 28
Last Day of School
May 30
Classroom Items
Classrooms periodically need to be restocked with various items. If you'd like to find out if your child's teacher needs anything specifically, just ask them!
Common Items:
Clorox or Lysol Wipes
Expo Markers (both thick & thin)
No. 2 Pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
Glue sticks (Elmer's preferred)
Scholastic gift cards
Teacher Appreciation Week ~ Feb 10-14
We are celebrating our teachers and staff in February to help restock classroom supplies and show them how much we appreciate their hard work. All week, the PTO will provide treats or lunch for our teachers and staff leading up to Valentine's Day.
Wanna help?? This SignUpGenius lists a bunch of different ways you can help, whether it's bringing in some food items or volunteering to help set food up for our teachers and staff. Even if you all you can do is bring in some food, anything is appreciated.
Why February? Feb is a great month to honor our teachers AND help restock their classrooms. Don't worry. We plan to honor our teachers again during National Teacher Appreciation Week in May.
How can I help restock classrooms?? These are the top items that classrooms need:
- Kleenex
- Clorox Wipes
- Expo Markers (thick & thin)
- #2 Ticonderoga Pencils
- Glue Sticks (younger grades)
- Band-Aids (incl non-latex)
- Post-it Notes
Many classrooms also need items specific to their teacher or grade. Check out the Faculty Favorites page to see what your child's teacher might need. FACULTY FAVORITES
February Benefit Nights!
Want an easy way to help raise a little for your school?? Support local restaurants and businesses in the process! Just mention Channing Hall when checking out and they will donate a percentage of the day's proceeds to the Channing Hall PTO.
Spirit Hoodies 
TEACHERS!! A coupon code has been sent where you can order a hoodie for yourself at a discount!
Is your kiddo raving about their awesome new playground?! Now that it's finished, get involved with the Channing Hall PTO so we can plan more amazing things throughout the school year.
When adults volunteer, all students benefit! Whether it's bringing napkins or chips to a class party, lending your expertise in web design or photography, or joining a fundraising committee, there are LOTS of different ways parents can help our PTO and our school.
Doesn't matter if you work full-time, part-time, or you're a professional volunteer, your help is needed and appreciated!
We also have a few openings on the PTO Board. CLICK HERE to read the descriptions for each role.
Your $10 donation immediately supports our school and all of the fun activities the Channing Hall PTO is part of. All new members this year get a calendar magnet too!
CLICK HERE to join.
From Back to School Night to Teacher Appreciation Week to the Fun Run and more, the PTO works hard to help support our amazing Teachers and Staff and create opportunities for our students and families. Please consider a donation to help support what we do for the Channing Hall School Community.
· Volunteer Opportunities
Adult volunteers demonstrate to their children and others that school is important and worth the time and effort. We love volunteers and we need you! In addition to volunteering in your students classroom, we have other opportunities available. Visit our Volunteer page and sign up to help! (Yes, you have to be registered)
· Faculty Favorites
Our amazing team has begun submitting their "Favorites." To view your teachers or staff members' favorites, click HERE or the Faculty tab at the main toolbar.
· Benefit Nights
We have exciting Benefit Nights planned for this year! The PTO sets up multiple Benefit Nights with local restaurants to help earn funds for Channing Hall events. Take a night off from cooking and join us! Dates and locations will be shared in weekly emails and in our Channing Hall Families Facebook Group. We would love to see you there!
You will be prompted to login. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account login
with another organization, you can use the same log-in here.
Channing Hall PTO
Have an idea?
Want to make a difference?
If you would like to be a part of
PTO, please contact: