Channing Hall PTO Executive Board (x8)
All Channing Hall Executive Board members are required to:

  • Attend monthly board meetings,
  • Support and attend all PTO functions,
  • Be a member of the Fun Run Committee


1. President: OPEN

Accepting Nominations 

The President presides over meetings for the Channing Hall PTO and Executive Officers. The
President serves as the primary contact for the Principal, represents Channing Hall PTO at meetings
outside of the Channing Hall PTO, serves as a voting member of all Channing Hall committees and
coordinates the work of all the Executive Officers and committees serving the organization. The President
is also responsible for communicating with the Principal and Channing Hall School Board.

  • Creates a welcome and collaborative environment between the Channing Hall Administration, Teachers and Staff, and the Channing Hall Executive Board
  • Serves as liaison between PTO, Administration/Staff, and PTO Executive Board and Channing Hall School Board
  • Presides over meetings of the Executive Board (monthly) and general PTO.
  • Coordinates work and budgets of all PTO Executive Board Members to ensure duties are being carried out.
  • Represents and supports all Channing Hall PTO and school events.
  • Coordinates and collaborates with Channing Hall School Principal and other school staff to plan annual PTO calendar
  • Executive Ownership of Membership Toolkit, designates other ‘ownership members’ to Toolkit
  • Works closely with the Treasurer to determine and maintain the annual budgets for Vice Presidents and all PTO committees
  • Works with Channing Hall School Principal to decide on annual fundraising efforts
  • Creates problem solving solutions and best practices with the PTO Executive Board and school

*Vice President Positions: The Vice President positions assist the President in the duties and
administration of their particular office. In the absence, resignation or inability of the President to
serve, a nominated Vice President will have the power to perform the duties of the Presiden. The
Vice President is responsible for implementing the PTO’s volunteer programs and sub committees
of their particular position.


2. Vice President: Community and Room Parent Coordinator

    PENDING VOTE: Michelle Jean-Mary 

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings.
  • Assumes all responsibilities including volunteering when needed, as well as other duties as called on by the PTO President.
  • Room Parent Coordinator-administrator for all room parent activities including updating training manual each year, ensures consistency of classroom parties, activities and general communication to room parents. They establish an event procedure for each event.
  • Works with Membership VP for Community Outreach Opportunities
  • Represents and supports all Channing Hall PTO and school events.
  • Steps in to lead and/or support any committee that hasn’t been filled for the school year.

3. Vice President: Hospitality: Jennifer Kinsfather

Responsible for recognizing school staff/teachers throughout the year by organizing month
teacher treats as well as Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. Coordinates appropriate volunteer
positions as needed.

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings.
  • Works closely with each committee head to supervise, assist, and problem solve
  • Responsible for planning and executing Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, Monthly Teacher Treats and Benefit Nights Coordinator
  • Planning and Executing Staff Dinners & Lunches for Student Conferences
  • Steps in to lead and/or support any committee that hasn’t been filled for the school year.

4. Vice President Fundraising: OPEN

Accepting Nominations


The VP of Fundraising is the administrator for all fund-raising activities. The Fund Raising VP
works closely with the Channing Hall Fun Run Committee to implement new ideas and ways to
source revenue for the PTO. The VP of Fundraising will source and be the primary contact for
our community sponsors. Primary Contact for Benefit Night Coordinator. Serves on the
Executive Board and attends monthly meetings.

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings
  • Works closely with the PTO President, PTO Treasurer and event committees
  • Oversees Benefit Night Fundraising Events & Coordinator
  • Responsible for and oversees all fundraising efforts programs/committees of the PTO such as- Fun Run, Spirit Wear, Box Tops, Raise Right and other fundraising efforts
  • Steps in to lead and/or support any committee that hasn't been filled for the school year.

5. Vice President Social Media and Marketing: Alex Wong

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings
  • Ensures that the PTO website is accurate and up to date with relevant information for parents and volunteers.
  • Publishes the PTO minutes & notes to PTO website provided by the secretary
  • Manages the PTO social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram).
  • Marketing Campaign and Materials for Fun Run and other school events
  • Executive Ownership to Membership Toolkit

6. Vice President PTO Memberships

    PENDING VOTE-Megan Cook 

The aim of this position is to make the PTO a welcoming experience for all potential and current
members. This involves greeting members, coordinating introductions, and making everyone feel
included. This VP needs to be approachable, comfortable approaching others, and in contact with
the other members of the Executive Board Members to assist with planning of PTO social events
and membership opportunities. The VP of Membership will be available or set up committees for
the following events:

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings
  • Meet the Teacher Night
  • Kindergarten Welcome Night
  • Book Fair
  • Science Fair
  • Fun Run
  • Other Channing Hall Community Opportunities
  • Steps in to lead and /or support any committee that hasn't been filled for the school year


7. Treasurer: Chelsea Parrish

The Treasurer should have a background in Accounting, Finance, or similar discipline. The Treasurer will receive all funds on behalf of the Channing Hall PTO as well as keep an accurate record of any receipts by PTO members and expenses. The Treasurer will work with the President to pay bills and funding requests in a timely manner. In addition, he/she will prepare financial statements and serve as the financial advisor for all fund-raisers and fund-disbursements. The Treasurer will work with the Executive Officers to prepare a budget in a timely manner. The Treasurer will also ensure annual taxes are filed on time including contacting a CPA as needed.

  • Works closely with the President to determine annual and committee budgets
  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings.
  • Collects, deposits, and disburses all funds according to the budget.
  • Maintains a current record of income, expenditures, and assets.
  • Presents a financial report of income and expenses at each PTO Executive Board Meeting
  • Prepares a year-end financial report, and files all required tax forms.
  • Executive Ownership to Membership Toolkit

8. Secretary: OPEN 

Accepting Nominations

The Secretary keeps all records and minutes of all meetings, and distributes them in a timely
manner. The Secretary maintains all files of minutes, agendas, and voting records. The Secretary
also maintains the vote of the Executive Board Members. The Secretary updates forms to ensure
the most current forms are available for easy management. The secretary will assist in
miscellaneous administrative tasks that are beneficial to the PTO Executive Board and the
Channing Hall Community.

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings.
  • Records the minutes of all PTO meetings and provides them to the VP Social Media and Marketing for the PTO website.
  • Creates Zoom Links when needed for monthly PTO meetings and other occasions
  • Working in tandem with VP Membership to enter New PTO Member information. Email distribution lists, contact info, etc. Helps determine best and most effective ways of communication to PTO Members for meetings and other special events.
  • Steps in to lead and/or support any committee that hasn't been filled for the school year


PTO Executive Board Positions voted by PTO Executive Board on 5/9/24; created, revised and edited by Rebecca Jimenez 2023/24 PTO President



1. Back to School Night-Used Uniforms-Alexa Raynes
2. Back to School Night-Spirit Wear & Hoodies
3. Benefit Night Coordinator-
4. Middle School Liason-Alexa Raynes
5. Veteran’s Day Assembly
